Golden Gate Volunteer

In the beginning signing up for a volunteer project for a year, it seemed like it was going to be a long time. It flew by!!

I was based a Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South Africa for a year and was exposed to so many new experiences and learnt so many things. The staff were so friendly, supportive and gave me so many opportunities to use my skills and also develop new ones!

Along with this I was given chances to travel to different parks and also explore South Africa and a bit of Africa in my leave time.

So living in the highlands I definitely get some interesting weather. My last weekend here has just passed and I was fortunate enough to have it snow all weekend.

As I sit in my office staring outside the window I get to see the mountains covered in snow. Definitely a once in a life time experience that I will never forget along with the amazing new friends I have made.

Alison Travill
GGHNP Volunteer

Snowfall in Golden Gate Highlands
