Kids in Parks Program in Golden Gate National Park

Each week two schools send 50 kids and teachers for a three day two night experience. Most have never been before, as the schools come from formerly disadvantaged areas, and the young people themselves are often getting away from home for the first time.
When they get here we settle them into their dorms at the Wilgenhof Environmental Education Centre, and proceed to stuff them full of environmental information, fun, and food. They get to learn about the park itself, conserving natural resources, biodiversity and the things that are happening in the local area of the Maluti and Drakensburg mountains, and they also go hiking, horseriding, canoeing, and abseiling. And it’s almost as much fun for them as it is for the staff.

It does get a little tiring after a few groups in succession, but it’s a fantastic program, and as the new GVI intern, I’ve had the chance to take part and have fun, amuse the kids and other staff with my terrible SeSotho, and just soak in the amazing atmosphere of the mountains. Though, after two weeks I’m totally stuffed... The altitude takes some getting used to for this sea-level dwelling Aussie.
At any rate the “work” so far has been amazing fun and the Kids in Parks has been a wonderful start to a year in Golden Gate, and sad as I will be when it ends in three weeks time, I’m excited to see what the rest of the year will bring.
Cheers and totsiens,
Written by: Andy Quick (GVI intern at Golden Gate National Park)
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