A speedy six months in Namaqua National Park!

They say time flies when you are enjoying yourself; well here I am six months in Namaqua and hardly time to blink. Six months ago I could not have imagined what was in store for me when I got of the bus from Johannesburg. It has been a whirlwind, with Women’s day, SANParks week including the Arid Regional Cultural Event hosted by us this year, Marine Month and the Namaqua Festival with pre-program visits to thirteen schools over two weeks. To name but a few activities.

So what does the next six months hold? World Wetlands day, Mother Language day and the big one for me Imbewu. I have already spent a couple of months working on Imbewu and this does not look to change, I am really looking forward to the first event which we hope to run in March. If I am really lucky I may also get the opportunity to help with Kids in Parks at another of the Arid Region National Park. I can’t wait.

Written by: Vivienne Pink (GVI Intern at Namaqua National Park)
